Statistics & Maths

How To Perform A Paired Samples T-Test In SPSS

What is a paired t-test? A paired t-test, also known as a dependent t-test, is a parametric statistical test used to determine if there are...
Funnel plot annotated

What Is A Funnel Plot And How To Read Them?

In this article, I will explain what a funnel plot is, based on their use in meta-analyses, and discuss what they show. What is a...

Independent (Unpaired) T-Test Assumptions

Before performing an independent (unpaired) t-test, there are five assumptions that need to be satisfied. Failure in meeting all of the assumptions can lead...

What Is A Forest Plot And How To Read Them?

In this article, I will explain what a forest plot is and describe the different components of a forest plot by using an example...

How To Perform A One-Sample T-Test In SPSS

What is a one-sample t-test test? A one-sample t-test is a statistical procedure used to determine if there is a significant difference between the sample...
Example forest plot created using Metafor in R.

13 Best Free Meta-Analysis Software To Use

There is a range of software and programs available to use when performing meta-analyses. Frustratingly, not all of them are free to use and...

How To Perform A One-Way ANOVA In GraphPad Prism

In this guide, I will explain how to perform a One-Way ANOVA test in GraphPad Prism. I will also show you how to interpret...

How To Perform A Two-Sample F-Test In Excel (Variance Test)

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to perform a two-sample F-test for variances in Microsoft Excel. I’ll show you how to...

How To Compute A Mean Variable In SPSS

In this guide, I will demonstrate how to compute a mean (average) variable from a set of variables in SPSS. The example data In this example,...

How To Perform A One-Sample T-Test In Excel

In this tutorial, I will show you how to perform a one-sample T-test by using Microsoft Excel. What is a one-sample T-test? A one-sample T-test is...