
How To Create A CpG Assay Using PyroMark Assay Design

To be able to design a CpG assay using the PyroMark Assay Design software, you first need your DNA sequence of interest that contains...
Bisulfite pyrosequencing pyrogram

How Does Bisulfite Pyrosequencing Work?

What is bisulfite pyrosequencing? Bisulfite, also referred to as bisulphite, pyrosequencing is a technique used to quantify DNA methylation levels on DNA at a single-base...

Guide To Sequencing On The Qiagen Q24 PyroMark

In this extensive guide, I will explain how to perform pyrosequencing on Qiagen's Q24 PyroMark Advanced system. To do this you need to have...
Hardy-Weinberg equation featured image

The Hardy-Weinberg Equations And How To Use Them

What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle? The Hardy-Weinberg principle, also referred to as the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, is a set of 5 assumptions which when satisfied can...