How To Perform A Mann-Whitney U Test In SPSS

What is a Mann-Whitney U test? A Mann-Whitney U test is a non-parametric alternative to the independent (unpaired) t-test to determine the difference between two...

How To Perform A Non-Parametric Partial Correlation In SPSS

Partial correlations are great in that you can perform a correlation between two continuous variables whilst controlling for various confounders. However, the partial correlation...

How To Perform An Independent T-Test In SPSS

What is an independent t-test? An independent t-test, also known as an unpaired t-test, is a parametric statistical test used to determine if there are...

How To Perform A Paired Samples T-Test In SPSS

What is a paired t-test? A paired t-test, also known as a dependent t-test, is a parametric statistical test used to determine if there are...