How To Perform Subgroup Analysis In RevMan
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create subgroups in a RevMan sheet which will be useful when performing subgroup analysis in...
How To Set Up And Enter Data Into RevMan
In this RevMan tutorial, I will explain how to set-up a new file and how to go about entering study data to be able...
What Is And How To Calculate Cohen’s d?
What is Cohen's d?
Cohen's d is a type of effect size between two means. An effect size is a quantitative measure of the magnitude for...
Cohen’s d Calculator: A Quick And Easy Method
Below is the Cohen's d calculator. Simply enter the groups mean and standard deviation values into the calculator, click the calculate button and Cohen's...
13 Best Free Meta-Analysis Software To Use
There is a range of software and programs available to use when performing meta-analyses. Frustratingly, not all of them are free to use and...
What Is A Funnel Plot And How To Read Them?
In this article, I will explain what a funnel plot is, based on their use in meta-analyses, and discuss what they show.
What is a...
What Is A Forest Plot And How To Read Them?
In this article, I will explain what a forest plot is and describe the different components of a forest plot by using an example...