Statistics & Maths

Funnel plot annotated

What Is A Funnel Plot And How To Read Them?

In this article, I will explain what a funnel plot is, based on their use in meta-analyses, and discuss what they show. What is a...

What Is A Forest Plot And How To Read Them?

In this article, I will explain what a forest plot is and describe the different components of a forest plot by using an example...

How To Perform Normality Tests In GraphPad Prism

In this guide, I will show you how to perform data normality tests in GraphPad Prism. Prior to any statistical analysis, the first thing...
Hardy-Weinberg equation featured image

The Hardy-Weinberg Equations And How To Use Them

What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle? The Hardy-Weinberg principle, also referred to as the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, is a set of 5 assumptions which when satisfied can...

How To Use The Split File Command In SPSS

What is the Split File command? The Split File command is used to separate the output of SPSS tests according to a group variable. The...

How To Create A Linear Standard Curve In Excel

In this guide I will explain how to create a linear standard curve using Microsoft Excel and how to use it to calculate unknown...

How To Test Data For Normality In SPSS

The very first thing you should do before performing any statistical test, is to see whether your data is normally distributed. Normality testing in...

How To Perform A Pearson Correlation In SPSS

What is a Pearson correlation? A Pearson correlation, also known as a Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, is a measure of the strength for an association between...

How To Use The Standard Error Formula

In this guide I will explain what the standard error formula is and how to use it to work out the standard error through...

How To Perform A One-Way ANOVA Test In SPSS

This guide will explain, step by step, how to perform a one-way ANOVA test in the SPSS statistical software by using an example. The...