Statistics & Maths

How To Calculate Cohen’s d In Microsoft Excel

In this tutorial, I will show you how to calculate Cohen's d in Microsoft Excel. What is Cohen's d? Cohen's d is an effect size between...

How To Perform A Paired Samples T-Test In SPSS

What is a paired t-test? A paired t-test, also known as a dependent t-test, is a parametric statistical test used to determine if there are...
Funnel plot annotated

What Is A Funnel Plot And How To Read Them?

In this article, I will explain what a funnel plot is, based on their use in meta-analyses, and discuss what they show. What is a...

How To Perform A One-Sample T-Test In SPSS

What is a one-sample t-test test? A one-sample t-test is a statistical procedure used to determine if there is a significant difference between the sample...

How To Perform A One-Way ANOVA In GraphPad Prism

In this guide, I will explain how to perform a One-Way ANOVA test in GraphPad Prism. I will also show you how to interpret...

How To Create A Correlation Matrix In Microsoft Excel

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a correlation matrix by using Microsoft Excel. I'll also show you how to colour...
Hardy-Weinberg equation featured image

The Hardy-Weinberg Equations And How To Use Them

What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle? The Hardy-Weinberg principle, also referred to as the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, is a set of 5 assumptions which when satisfied can...

How To Perform Descriptive Statistics In Microsoft Excel

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to return some descriptive statistics about your data in Microsoft...

How To Calculate A Weighted Average In Microsoft Excel

In this step-by-step tutorial, I'm going to show you how to calculate a weighted average in Microsoft Excel. Specifically, I will demonstrate calculating a...

Cohen’s d Calculator: A Quick And Easy Method

Below is the Cohen's d calculator. Simply enter the groups mean and standard deviation values into the calculator, click the calculate button and Cohen's...